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Mark D Phillips launches, a new website devoted to his 35-year documentation of the renaissance along and in Brooklyn’s Superfund waterway.

Sagrada Familia Basilica

Return to Barcelona

Barcelona. I haven’t been there since 1992. Today’s Barcelona is sprawling and majestic, much as it was in 1992, just more. When I gazed across the cityscape from the patio of Fabra Observatory, near the top of Tibidabo, the tableau of city and Mediterranean stretched along the coastline.

Mark D Phillips and Chuck Liddy

Remembering Chuck Liddy

Remembering Chuck Liddy, by Mark D Phillips. Chuck Liddy is the reason I am the photographer I grew into. Our competition at the Morganton News Herald shaped my entire photographic career.

Wilmington Where?

Wilmington? Vermont? It was a one stop-light town in the way on my way to Mount Snow. I always drove into town, turned right at that light and never once stopped. That changed this weekend in my efforts to travel on the New England Masters Ski Racing circuit in an old-style way, keeping costs down and when traveling alone, basically looking for those 70s and 80s type cheap motels that a single is willing to stay i

Matt Dodge races to win the 84th Hochgebirge Cup Challenge on January 20, 2024, at Mittersill. ©Mark D Phillips

Ski the East: The Hochgebirge Challenge

The Hochgebirge Challenge began in 1931, running continuously except for a few years because of war and lack of snow, and is recognized as the longest running team event in the US. The race has been an Olympic qualifier event, a National Championship, a National Championship qualifier event, and most recently, the qualifier for the Masters National Championship. The trophy is spectacular and makes you want to kiss it just like the Stanley Cup.

Ruth Peyser's Israeli travel documents from the 1950s.

Survivor’s Guilt

Ruth Peyser was an Israeli, not originally by choice, but for survival. In 1939, she settled alone in Palestine. On her 100th birthday, Jewish hatred abounds.