Ruth Peyser was an Israeli, not originally by choice, but for survival. In 1939, she settled alone in Palestine. On her 100th birthday, Jewish hatred abounds.
Author: Mark D Phillips
NEMS 2023, the Show…..
With 17 races for the 2023 season, New England Masters provided ample opportunities to capture great pictures of their racers at top venues – visit the show!
From World Cup to New England Masters: Ski the East
For most of us who will never win a reindeer, the Killington World Cup races have become the official start of the New England ski season.
Graffiti Gone…The Destruction of Gowanus
The graffiti of the Gowanus Canal is disappearing as the condominium gentrification reaches a fever pitch and the neighborhood disappears.
Across the Universe… Colorado to Utah and a Ring in the Sky
Two photojournalists decide to drive 500 miles across Colorado to Natural Bridges National Monument. Aspen, cottonwoods and the scenery beckon with an annular eclipse as the gold at the end of the rainbow. What could possibly go wrong?
GOOD LOOKING: Narrative Photographs Past and Present
In 2004, the National Gallery of Victoria used “Satan in the Smoke” to show how photography can be perceived in different ways.
Never Forget: 9/11 in 2023
More than two decades have gone by in a flash. It was my now-24 year-old daughter’s first day of pre-school when the planes piloted by Islamic savages felled the World Trade Center.
Return To Morrow
Two years ago, I was convinced I was witnessing the end of Blue Mesa and Morrow Point Reservoirs and the west as we knew it. What a difference above-average snowfall can make.
The West in Connecticut
The Goshen Stampede brings Pro Rodeo just up the road in Goshen, CT, with country star Travis Denning headlining the Country 92.5 Stage.
Gowanus is Dead, Long live Gowanus
Gowanus is dead, Long live Gowanus. I have expected to say this for at least a decade, and now, post COVID, it is finally here. The Gowanus I photographed for thirty years is officially dead, The new Gowanus Canal is becoming the residential playground it was meant to be in 2023.